Source code for chapps.policy

Policy managers

All email policy managers inherit from :class:`~.EmailPolicy`, which provides a
fair amount of base functionality useful to its subclasses.  So far, all but
the :class:`~.SPFEnforcementPolicy` are contained here.  That one has
extra dependencies which are thus kept isolated.  Find it in

import time
from contextlib import contextmanager
from collections import deque
from typing import List, Dict, Union, Optional, Tuple
import functools
import redis
import logging
from expiring_dict import ExpiringDict
from chapps.config import CHAPPSConfig, env
from chapps.signals import NullSenderException, NoRecipientsException
from chapps.models import Quota, SDAStatus, PolicyResponse
from chapps.util import PostfixPolicyRequest
from chapps.outbound import OutboundPPR
from chapps.inbound import InboundPPR

if env.get("CHAPPS_DB_MODULE", None) == "mysql":
    from chapps.adapter import (
        MariaDBQuotaAdapter as OBQAdapter,  # outbound quota
        MariaDBSenderDomainAuthAdapter as SDAAdapter,
        MariaDBInboundFlagsAdapter as IBFAdapter,
    from chapps.sqla_adapter import (
        SQLAQuotaAdapter as OBQAdapter,
        SQLASenderDomainAuthAdapter as SDAAdapter,
        SQLAInboundFlagsAdapter as IBFAdapter,

policy_response = PolicyResponse.policy_response  # a parameterized decorator
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
seconds_per_day = 3600 * 24
TIME_FORMAT = "%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"

# There are a number of commented debug statements in this module
# This is for convenience, because in production these routines need
# to be as performant as possible, but these messages are often very
# helpful for diagnosing problems during testing and debugging

[docs]class EmailPolicy: """Abstract policy manager Subclasses must: * set class attribute `redis_key_prefix` to a unique value. * define an instance method called :meth:`~.approve_policy_request`. This abstract superclass provides a standard framework for constructing Redis keys, since the main purpose of the policy manager is to make decisions about email by consulting Redis. Instance attributes: :config: :class:`chapps.config.CHAPPSConfig` either passed in during initialization or inherited from the environment :params: :class:`chapps.util.AttrDict` corresponding to the config for the policy manager :sentinel: a :class:`redis.Sentinel` handle, or `None` if using only Redis :redis: a :class:`redis.Redis` handle """ redis_key_prefix = "chapps" """A placeholder value, since this class is abstract Subclasses should set this to a unique prefix identifying the policy manager. For examples, see the included subclasses. """
[docs] @staticmethod def rediskey(prefix: str, *args): """Format a string to serve as a Redis key for arbitrary data :param str prefix: a prefix unique to the policy manager (subclass) :param List[str] args: a list of strings to use to construct the rest of the key In CHAPPS, each policy has its own prefix. What other data the policy uses to construct the key is not relevant to any other entities, though it must be sent as a string. This routine simply joins up all the tokens with colon (`:`) characters, so it is not recommended to use them as part of the key-components (although it should 'just work'). """ return f"{ prefix }:{ ':'.join( args ) }"
[docs] @classmethod def _fmtkey(cls, *args): """Convenience classmethod for Redis key construction :param List[str] args: a list of key components Subclasses may use this method which automatically discovers the prefix. :meta public: """ return cls.rediskey(cls.redis_key_prefix, *args)
[docs] def __init__(self, cfg: CHAPPSConfig = None): """Sets up a new policy manager :param chapps.config.CHAPPSConfig cfg: optional :class:`CHAPPSConfig` object for config override Store the config and get the params for the specific policy class, which are in a config block named for the class. Using that config, set the policy manager up with a Redis handle, and an instance cache (from :class:`expiring_dict.ExpiringDict`) """ self.config = cfg or CHAPPSConfig.get_config() self.params = self.config.get_block(self.__class__.__name__) self._adapter = None self.sentinel = None self.redis = self._redis() # pass True to get read-only self.instance_cache = ExpiringDict(3) # entries expire after 3 seconds
[docs] @contextmanager def _adapter_handle(self): """Context manager for obtaining a database handle In order to acquire policy configuration data, the policy manager must be able to reach the RDBMS or other policy-config data store. One of the policy manager's priciple jobs is to obtain this data from the database and stuff it into Redis for future reference. Adapter configuration, in terms of how to access the database, is obtained from the config object. .. todo:: It is clear now that the adapter classes should also accept an optional config argument, and then use it for default values, so that this routine need not enumerate all the options. :meta public: """ if not self._adapter: self._adapter = self.adapter_class(cfg=self.config) try: yield self._adapter finally: if getattr(self._adapter, "conn", None): self._adapter.conn.close() self._adapter = None
@contextmanager def _control_data_storage_context(self): """Context manager for storing control data in Redis This is the most basic of routines, provided for policies which store only one item in Redis, perhaps an option flag for instance. The context manager yields a callable which expects up to three arguments: .. code:: dsc(token, setting, expire=seconds_per_day) :token: is a token unique to the resource along with the setting. The `redis_key_prefix` is automatically prepended to the token. If the token is otherwise compound, it should be compounded beforehand and presented as a string. :setting: is the value to be stored in Redis :expire: the Redis entry's TTL in seconds; defaults to 24hr This pattern is used throughout the policy managers to handle making Redis settings in pipelines. Some policy managers declare overrides for this method, in order to automate creation of compound keys or to store more than one piece of data at once. Where a policy has a per-domain enforcement flag, that flag is generally being stored on a Redis key formed by tacking the `redis_key_prefix` onto the front of the domain name. In practice, to use this context manager, capture its yielded output and call it in order to store data: .. code:: resource_settings_map = {d: True for d in domains} with policy._control_data_storage_context() as dsc: for domain, option in resource_settings_map.items(): dsc(domain, option) If there are a number of settings to create, make sure to place the loop within the context so that all the settings will be submitted as part of the same pipeline. """ pipe = self.redis.pipeline() fmtkey = self._fmtkey def _dsc(token, setting, expire=seconds_per_day): pipe.set(fmtkey(token), setting, ex=expire) try: yield _dsc finally: pipe.execute() pipe.reset() def _redis(self, read_only: bool = False): """Get a Redis handle, possibly from Sentinel :param bool read_only: if Sentinel is in use, get a read-only handle If you're not using Sentinel, the `read_only` parameter is meaningless. """ try: if self.config.redis.sentinel_servers and not self.sentinel: self.sentinel = redis.Sentinel( [ s.split(":") for s in self.config.redis.sentinel_servers.split(" ") ], socket_timeout=SENTINEL_TIMEOUT, ) if self.sentinel: if read_only: rh = self.sentinel.slave_for( self.config.redis.sentinel_dataset, socket_timeout=SENTINEL_TIMEOUT, ) else: rh = self.sentinel.master_for( self.config.redis.sentinel_dataset, socket_timeout=SENTINEL_TIMEOUT, ) return rh except AttributeError: pass return redis.Redis( host=self.config.redis.server, port=self.config.redis.port )
[docs] def approve_policy_request( self, ppr: PostfixPolicyRequest, **opts ) -> Union[str, bool]: """Determine a policy outcome based on the PPR provided This routine may return a boolean PASS/FAIL response, or it may for some policy classes return a string, which represents the policy outcome and is suitable for sending to Postfix. The result of the policy approval is cached based on the instance value provided by Postfix. The memoization is done here in the superclass in order to avoid duplication of memoization code. """ response = self.instance_cache.get(ppr.instance, None) if response is None: response = self._approve_policy_request(ppr, **opts) self.instance_cache[ppr.instance] = response return response
def _approve_policy_request( self, ppr: PostfixPolicyRequest, **opts ) -> Union[str, bool]: """Placeholder method which must be implemented by subclasses.""" raise NotImplementedError( "Subclasses of EmailPolicy must implement this function." )
[docs]class PostfixActions: """Superclass for Postfix action adapters"""
[docs] @staticmethod def dunno(*args, **kwargs): """Return the Postfix directive `DUNNO`""" return "DUNNO"
[docs] @staticmethod def okay(*args, **kwargs): """Return the Postfix directive `OK`""" return "OK"
ok = okay """`ok()` is an alias for `okay()`"""
[docs] @staticmethod def defer_if_permit(msg, *args, **kwargs): """ Return the Postfix `DEFER_IF_PERMIT` directive with the provided message """ return f"DEFER_IF_PERMIT {msg}"
[docs] @staticmethod def reject(msg, *args, **kwargs): """ Return the Postfix `REJECT` directive along with the provided message """ return f"REJECT {msg}"
[docs] @staticmethod def prepend(*args, **kwargs): """ Return the Postfix `PREPEND` directive. Include the header to prepend as keyword-argument `prepend` """ new_header = kwargs.get("prepend", None) if new_header is None or len(new_header) < 5: raise ValueError( f"Prepended header expected to be at least 5 chars in length." ) return f"PREPEND {new_header}"
[docs] def __init__(self, cfg=None): """ Optionally supply a :py:class:`chapps.config.CHAPPSConfig` instance as the first argument. """ self.config = cfg or CHAPPSConfig.get_config() self.params = self.config # later this is overridden, in subclasses
def _get_closure_for( self, decision: str, *, passing: Optional[bool] = None ): """Setup the prescribed closure for generating SMTP action directives""" action_config = getattr(self.params, decision, None) if not action_config: raise ValueError( f"Action config for {self.__class__.__name__} does not contain a key named {decision}" ) action_tokens = action_config.split(" ") action = action_tokens[0] try: i = int(action) # if the first token is a number, its a directive except ValueError: # first token was a string, and therefore refers to a method # look for predefined or memoized version af = getattr(self, action, None) if af: return af # no local version found, find function reference action_func = getattr(PostfixActions, action, None) if not action_func: action_func = getattr(self.__class__, action, None) if not action_func: raise NotImplementedError( f"Action {action} is not implemented by PostfixActions" f" or by {self.__class__.__name__}" ) else: # construct closure from configured message string action_func = ( lambda reason, ppr, *args, **kwargs: action_config.format( reason=reason ) ) passing = ( (action_func in [self.reject, self.defer_if_permit]) if passing is None else passing ) action_func = policy_response(passing, action)(action_func) # memoize the action function for quicker reference next time setattr(self, action, action_func) return action_func def _get_message_for(self, decision, config_name=None): """Grab a status message for a decision from the config, optionally with another name""" msg_key = config_name or decision msg = getattr(self, msg_key, None) if not msg: raise ValueError( f"There is no key {msg_key} in the config for {self.__class__.__name__} or its policy" ) return msg def _mangle_action(self, action): """ Policy decisions which are also reserved words need to be altered. Currently, this routine handles only the action 'pass' """ if action == "pass": return "passing" return action
[docs] def action_for(self, *args, **kwargs): """Abstract method which must be implemented in subclasses. This method is intended to map responses from a policy manager onto Postfix directives. Not all policy managers return only yes/no answers. Some, like :py:class:`chapps.spf_policy.SPFEnforcementPolicy`, return a handful of different possible values, and so there must be a mechanism for allowing sites to determine what happens when each of those different outcomes occurs. """ raise NotImplementedError( f"Subclasses of {self.__class__.__name__} must define the method" " action_for() for themselves, to map policy module responses" " (decisions) onto Postfix action directives." )
[docs]class PostfixPassfailActions(PostfixActions): """Postfix Actions adapter for PASS/FAIL policy responses. Many policies return `True` if the email should be accepted/forwarded and return `False` if the email should be rejected/dropped. This class encapsulates the common case, and includes some logic to extract precise instructions from the config. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cfg=None): super().__init__(cfg)
def _get_closure_for( self, decision, *, passing: bool = None, msg_key: str = None ): """Create a closure for formatting these messages and store it on self.<decision>, and also return it """ msg_key = msg_key or decision msg = getattr(self.params, msg_key, None) if not msg: raise ValueError( f"The key '{msg_key}' is not defined in the config for" f" {self.__class__.__name__} or its policy" ) msg_tokens = msg.split(" ") msg_text = "" if msg_tokens[0] == "OK": func = PostfixActions.okay elif msg_tokens[0] == "DUNNO": func = PostfixActions.dunno elif msg_tokens[0] == "DEFER_IF_PERMIT": func = PostfixActions.defer_if_permit msg_text = " ".join(msg_tokens[1:]) elif msg_tokens[0] == "REJECT" or msg_tokens[0] == "554": func = PostfixActions.reject msg_text = " ".join(msg_tokens[1:]) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Pass-fail closure creation for Postfix directive" f" {msg_tokens[0]} is not yet available." ) action = policy_response( ( passing if passing is not None else (func != PostfixActions.reject) ), decision, )(self.__prepend_action_with_message(func, msg_text)) setattr(self, decision, action) return action def __prepend_action_with_message(self, func, prepend_msg_text): """Wrap an action func in order to prepend an additional message""" # avoiding use of nonlocal required if definition is embedded inline # in calling procedure def action(message="", *args, **kwargs): msg_text = prepend_msg_text if len(message) > 0: msg_text = " ".join([msg_text, message]) return func(msg_text, *args, **kwargs) return action
[docs] def action_for(self, pf_result): """Return an action closure for a pass/fail policy Evaluates its argument `pf_result` as a boolean and returns the action closure for 'passing' if True, otherwise the action closure for 'fail'. To provide backwards-compatibility with older versions, and to allow for more descriptive configuration elements, the actions may be attached to keys named `acceptance_message` or `rejection_message` instead of `passing` and `fail` respectively. This is only true of policies with action factories inheriting from :py:class:`.PostfixPassfailActions` """ if pf_result: # True / pass action_name = "passing" else: # False / fail action_name = "fail" return getattr(self, action_name, None)
def __getattr__(self, attrname, *args, **kwargs): """Allow use of old config elements with long descriptive names.""" attrname = self._mangle_action(attrname) if attrname == "passing": msg_key = "acceptance_message" elif attrname == "fail": msg_key = "rejection_message" else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Pass-fail actions do not include {attrname}" ) return self._get_closure_for( attrname, msg_key=msg_key, passing=(attrname == "passing") )
[docs]class PostfixOQPActions(PostfixPassfailActions): """Postfix Action translator for :py:class:`chapps.policy.OutboundQuotaPolicy`"""
[docs] def __init__(self, cfg=None): """ Optionally provide an instance of :py::class`chapps.config.CHAPPSConfig`. All this class does is wire up `self.config` to point at the :py:class:`chapps.policy.OutboundQuotaPolicy` config block. """ super().__init__(cfg) self.params = self.config.policy_oqp
[docs]class PostfixGRLActions(PostfixPassfailActions): """Postfix Action translator for :py:class:`chapps.policy.GreylistingPolicy`"""
[docs] def __init__(self, cfg=None): """ Optionally provide an instance of :py:class:`chapps.config.CHAPPSConfig`. All this class does is wire up `self.config` to point at the :py:class:`chapps.policy.GreylistingPolicy` config block. """ super().__init__(cfg) self.params = self.config.policy_grl
[docs]class InboundPolicy(EmailPolicy): adapter_class = IBFAdapter # inbound flags adapter indirection
[docs] def domain_option_key(self, ppr: InboundPPR): """Return the Redis key for the domain's Greylisting option Uses the first of the list of tokenized recipients. Generally, inbound mail is expected to contain only one recipient per email. """ return self._domain_option_key(ppr.recipient_domain)
def _domain_option_key(self, recipient_domain): return self._fmtkey(recipient_domain) def _store_control_data(self, domain: str, flag: bool): with self._control_data_storage_context() as dsc: dsc(domain, 1 if flag else 0) def _whitelisted(self, ppr: InboundPPR) -> bool: return ppr.helo_match(self.config.helo_whitelist)
[docs]class GreylistingPolicy(InboundPolicy): """Policy manager which implements greylisting `Greylisting <>`_ is a `well-defined <>`_ and frequently-implemented pattern. This implementation stores the tracking information in Redis. Instance attributes (in addition to those of :class:`.EmailPolicy`): :min_defer: minimum time between retries, in seconds :cache_ttl: how long to store tracking data, in seconds :allow_after: success threshold, after which the client may be whitelisted """ redis_key_prefix = "grl" """Greylisting Redis key prefix"""
[docs] def __init__( self, cfg: CHAPPSConfig = None, *, minimum_deferral: int = 60, cache_ttl: int = seconds_per_day, auto_allow_after: int = None, ): """Initialize a greylisting policy manager :param chapps.config.CHAPPSConfig cfg: optional config override :param int minimum_deferral: min time between retries, in seconds :param int cache_ttl: tracking data cache expiration time in seconds :param int auto_allow_after: number of successful attempts needed before source client is considered trusted, and no longer incurs deferrals """ super().__init__(cfg) self.actions = PostfixGRLActions(self.config) self.min_defer = minimum_deferral self.cache_ttl = cache_ttl self.allow_after = ( auto_allow_after if auto_allow_after is not None else self.params.whitelist_threshold ) if self.cache_ttl <= self.min_defer: logger.warning( f"Cache TTL (={datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.cache_ttl)}) is not allowed to be smaller than or equal to the minimum deferral window (={datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.min_defer)}). Defaulting to 24 hr." ) self.cache_ttl = seconds_per_day if self.min_defer > 60 * 15: logger.warning( f"It may be unreasonable to expect the sending server to defer for more than 15 minutes. (={self.min_defer/60.0:.2f}m)" ) if self.allow_after == 0: logger.warning(f"Sender auto-approval is turned off.") elif self.allow_after < 2: logger.warning( f"Sender auto-approval is set to a fairly low threshold. (={self.allow_after})" )
[docs] def tuple_key(self, ppr: PostfixPolicyRequest) -> str: """Return the greylisting tuple as a Redis key The names of the values taken from `ppr` are as follows (in order): - `client_address` - `sender` - `recipient` """ return self._tuple_key(ppr.client_address, ppr.sender, ppr.recipient)
def _tuple_key(self, client_address, sender, recipient): return self._fmtkey(client_address, sender, recipient)
[docs] def client_key(self, ppr: PostfixPolicyRequest): """Return the greylisting client key This key indicates whether the client has enough successful resubmissions to be whitelisted. """ return self._client_key(ppr.client_address)
def _client_key(self, client_address): return self._fmtkey(client_address)
[docs] def acquire_policy_for(self, ppr: InboundPPR): with self._adapter_handle() as adapter: result = adapter.do_greylisting_on(ppr.recipient_domain) logger.debug( "Got greylisting option flag " + str(result) + " from RDBMS for domain " + ppr.recipient_domain ) self._store_control_data(ppr.recipient_domain, 1 if result else 0) return result
[docs] def _approve_policy_request(self, ppr: InboundPPR, **opts): """Perform greylisting .. todo:: It would be possible to allow domains to set the whitelisting threshhold, since this routine has to obtain option flag data from the policy config source at this point anyway. Because we're also concerned with time between attempts, we could also do some time-based things here, such as starting to refuse clients who retry much too quickly, implementing per-domain rules about how frequently a client is allowed to send email to their addresses, etc. :meta public: """ if self._whitelisted(ppr): # forward without SPF header"Whitelisting traffic from {ppr.helo_name}.") return "DUNNO" # needs to be the string option_set, tuple_seen, client_tally = None, None, None try: option_set, tuple_seen, client_tally = self._get_control_data(ppr) if option_set is None: option_set = self.acquire_policy_for(ppr) except NoRecipientsException: logger.exception(f"No recipient in PPR {ppr.instance}.") return self.actions.action_for(False)("", ppr=ppr) except Exception: # pragma: no cover logger.exception("UNEXPECTED") logger.debug( f"Returning denial for {ppr.instance} (unexpected exception)." ) if opts.get("force", False): option_set = True if not option_set: logger.debug( "Not enforcing greylisting for domain " f"{ppr.recipient_domain or 'N/A'}" ) return "DUNNO" # needs to be a string # if not whitelisting, client_tally will be None if client_tally is not None and client_tally >= self.allow_after: self._update_client_tally(ppr) return self.actions.action_for(True)("", ppr=ppr) if tuple_seen: # The tuple is recognized; need to check if it was long enough ago now = time.time() if now - tuple_seen >= self.min_defer: # the email will be approved; some housekeeping is necessary self._update_client_tally(ppr) return self.actions.action_for(True)("", ppr=ppr) # if we get here, the tuple either isn't stored or was stored too # recently; either way, we update it self._update_tuple(ppr) return self.actions.action_for(False)("", ppr=ppr)
def _get_control_data(self, ppr: InboundPPR): """Extract data from Redis in order to answer the policy request""" now = time.time() tuple_key = self.tuple_key(ppr) client_key = self.client_key(ppr) option_key = self.domain_option_key(ppr) logger.debug( f"Redis keys: tuple={tuple_key} opt={option_key} client={client_key} (zrange)" ) pipe = self.redis.pipeline() pipe.zremrangebyscore(client_key, 0, now - float(self.cache_ttl)) pipe.get(tuple_key) pipe.get(option_key) if self.allow_after > 0: pipe.zrange(client_key, 0, -1) result = pipe.execute() logger.debug(f"Redis result: {result!r}") tuple_bits = result[1] option_bits = result[2] if len(result) == 4: client_tally_bits = result[3] tuple_seen = ( float(tuple_bits) if tuple_bits else None ) # UNIX epoch time option_set = int(option_bits) if option_bits else None client_tally = None if self.allow_after > 0 and client_tally_bits: client_tally = len(client_tally_bits) return (option_set, tuple_seen, client_tally) def _update_client_tally(self, ppr: InboundPPR): """Update client reliability score in Redis When an email is allowed, increment the reliability score of the client. """ if self.allow_after == 0: # if we're not keeping a tally, return return now = time.time() client_key = self.client_key(ppr) with self.redis.pipeline() as pipe: pipe.zadd(client_key, {ppr.instance: now}) pipe.zremrangebyrank( client_key, 0, -(self.allow_after + 2) ) # keep one extra pipe.expire(client_key, self.cache_ttl) pipe.execute() def _update_tuple(self, ppr: InboundPPR): """Set or update a greylisting tuple in Redis""" self.redis.setex(self.tuple_key(ppr), self.cache_ttl, time.time())
[docs]class OutboundQuotaPolicy(EmailPolicy): """Policy manager which implements an outbound quota limitation Outbound email is controlled based on the count of (attempted) transmissions in the last 24 hours. Some parameters are provided to fine-tune the behavior of the limiting algorithm. Instance attributes (in addition to those of :class:`.EmailPolicy`): :interval: number of seconds to store transmission attemps, and to use for quota evaluation; defaults to one day :counting_recipients: a boolean determined from the config; whether to count each recipient of a multi-recipient email as a separate transmission for quota purposes :min_delta: defaults to 0; if set, the number of seconds which must elapse between send attempts. **Currently experimental** """ adapter_class = OBQAdapter redis_key_prefix = "oqp" """OutboundQuotaPolicy Redis prefix"""
[docs] def __init__(self, cfg=None, *, enforcement_interval=None, min_delta=0): """Set up an outbound quota policy manager :param chapps.config.CHAPPSConfig cfg: optional config override :param int enforcement_interval: number of seconds to store transmission attemps, and to use for quota evaluation; defaults to one day :param int min_delta: Minimum time which must pass between transmission attempts; defaults to 5 seconds to prevent spamming. Set to 0 to disable """ super().__init__(cfg) # sets attrs 'config', 'params', and 'redis' self.interval = ( enforcement_interval if enforcement_interval else seconds_per_day ) if hasattr(self.params, "min_delta"): self.min_delta = self.params.min_delta elif min_delta: self.min_delta = min_delta else: self.min_delta = 0 self.min_delta = float(self.min_delta) self.counting_recipients = ( self.params.counting_recipients if hasattr(self.params, "counting_recipients") else False )
@contextmanager def _control_data_storage_context(self): """Atomic context manager for Redis updates Yields a closure which takes the tuple (email, quota, margin) and adds it to a Redis pipeline, which will set it in Redis once the context is closed. Intended to be used as a context manager, like so: .. code::python with self._control_data_storage_context() as store: store(user_identifier, quota_count, margin_count) This is most useful when collections of data are involved, but also encapsulates and hides the pipeline management foo required by the Redis library. """ pipe = self.redis.pipeline() fmtkey = self._fmtkey def _dsc(user, quota, margin): pipe.set(fmtkey(user, "limit"), quota, ex=seconds_per_day) pipe.set(fmtkey(user, "margin"), margin, ex=seconds_per_day) try: yield _dsc finally: pipe.execute() pipe.reset() def _get_control_data(self, ppr): """Obtain essential data for policy decisionmaking This is the routine which keeps track of emails in Redis. It combines all of its requests into a single pipelined (atomic) transaction. When counting recipients, the record is a string consisting of the timestamp and the recipient serial number separated by a colon, in order to ensure that each recipient is listed as an attempt in the log. The score is always the floating-point return value of time.time() """ # cache the current(ish) time time_now = time.time() time_now_s = str(time_now) user = ppr.user # create a dict for Redis.zadd() if self.counting_recipients: tries_dict = { (time_now_s + f":{i:05d}"): time_now for i, r in enumerate(ppr.recipients) } else: tries_dict = {time_now_s: time_now} # set up the Redis keys tries_key = self._fmtkey(user, "attempts") limit_key = self._fmtkey(user, "limit") margin_key = self._fmtkey(user, "margin") # Create a Redis pipeline to atomize a set of instructions pipe = self.redis.pipeline() # Clear the list down to just the last interval seconds, generally a day pipe.zremrangebyscore(tries_key, 0, time_now - float(self.interval)) # Add this/these try(es) pipe.zadd(tries_key, tries_dict) # Get control data: the limit, the margin, the attempts list pipe.get(limit_key) pipe.get(margin_key) pipe.zrange(tries_key, 0, -1) # Set expires on all this stuff so that if they don't send # email for a day, their data won't still be sitting around # takin' up space; these return nil values so we have to # ignore them when we get the results pipe.expire(tries_key, self.interval) pipe.expire(limit_key, self.interval) pipe.expire(margin_key, self.interval) # Do the thing! results = pipe.execute() # The non-retrieval operations still have return values, so we ignore them removed, _, limit, margin, attempts, _, _, _ = results # Always polite to reset your pipe pipe.reset() # Attempt typecasting on the margin number, which is allowed # to be either int or float m = self._cast_margin(margin) # If no limit is defined, that means there is no quota profile # for the user, and we just return None here; we must test against # None because it might be 0 return (int(limit) if limit is not None else None, m, attempts) def _cast_margin(self, margin_bytes): """Convenience method :param bytes margin_bytes: margin value from Redis Get the correct type (int or float) from the provided bytestring. """ try: m = int(margin_bytes) except: try: m = float(margin_bytes) except: m = 0 return m
[docs] def current_quota( self, user: str, quota: Optional[Quota] = None ) -> Tuple[int, List[str]]: """Provide real-time remaining quota for a user :param str user: user-identifier :param chapps.models.Quota quota: optional :class:`~chapps.models.Quota` record :returns: (*remaining quota count*, [*remarks*,...]) :rtype: Tuple[int, List[str]] The caller is anticipated to be the API. The **User** and **Quota** are both available, so the **Quota** may be provided, but it is not required. The `user` parameter is expected to contain a string at present, though this may change as the :mod:`pydantic` data models become more tightly integrated into the codebase. The return value, intended for wrapping by the API and transmission to a client, is a tuple composed of: 1. the number of transmission attempts remaining to the user at the moment the query executed 2. a list of remarks created by the inspection routine """ attempts_key = self._fmtkey(user, "attempts") limit_key = self._fmtkey(user, "limit") pipe = self.redis.pipeline() pipe.zremrangebyscore( attempts_key, 0, time.time() - float(self.interval) ) pipe.get(limit_key) pipe.zrange(attempts_key, 0, -1) results = pipe.execute() _, limit_bytes, attempts_bytes = results pipe.reset() limit = ( int(limit_bytes) if limit_bytes is not None else quota.quota if quota is not None else None ) response = limit - len(attempts_bytes) if limit else 0 remarks = [] if attempts_bytes: last = attempts_bytes[-1] try: last = float(last) except ValueError: last = float(last.split(b":")[0]) last_try = time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT, time.gmtime(last)) remarks.append(f"Last send attempt was at {last_try}") if not limit_bytes: remarks.append(f"There is no cached quota limit for {user}.") if not quota: remarks.append(f"There is no quota configured for user {user}.") if not limit: remarks.append( f"No limit could be found; returning zero xmits remaining." ) return (response, remarks)
[docs] def reset_quota(self, user: str) -> Tuple[int, List[str]]: """Reset quota for user :param str user: user-identifier :returns: (*number of records dropped*, [*remarks*,...]) :rtype: Tuple[int,List[str]] This method is intended for real-time management of the Redis configuration mirror. It will drop all the attempts from the outbound-quota transmission-tracking list for the named user. """ attempts_key = self._fmtkey(user, "attempts") pipe = self.redis.pipeline() pipe.zrange(attempts_key, 0, -1) pipe.delete(attempts_key) results = pipe.execute() pipe.reset() attempts = results[0] if attempts: msg = f"Attempts (quota) reset for {user}:" n_att = len(attempts) else: n_att = 0 msg = f"No attempts to reset for {user}:" msg += f" {n_att} xmits dropped" return (n_att, [msg])
[docs] def refresh_policy_cache(self, user: str, quota: Quota): """API adapter method for refreshing policy config cache""" self.acquire_policy_for(user, quota.quota) return self.current_quota(user, quota)
def _store_control_data(self, user, quota, margin=0): """Using a context manager, build up a set of instructions to store control data""" with self._control_data_storage_context() as dsc: if type(margin) == float: if margin > 1.0: if margin < 100.0: margin = margin / 100.0 else: raise TypeError( "margin must be a positive integer or a positive float less than 1 (a percentage)" ) # pragma: no cover margin = int(margin * float(quota)) dsc(user, quota, margin) def _detect_control_data(self, user): """See if there is control data in Redis for a particular sender""" key = self._fmtkey(user, "limit") res = None try: res = self.redis.get(key) except redis.exceptions.ResponseError: # pragma: no cover # sometimes a key which should not exist still shows up, # and accessing them causes this error. we choose to # pretend nothing happened and just delete the key self.redis.delete(key) return res
[docs] def acquire_policy_for(self, user: str, quota: Optional[int] = None): """Populate Redis with policy config data for a user :param str user: user-identifier :param int quota: optional quota to load for the user. This is provided mainly to optimize actions taken by the API. Go get the policy for a sender from the policy adapter. If the margin needs to be configured on a per-sender basis, this is the place to adjust that. Right now, the margin is set in the config file, and applied to each user as policy config is loaded. """ if not quota: with self._adapter_handle() as adapter: quota = adapter.quota_for_user(user) if quota: self._store_control_data(user, quota, self.params.margin)
[docs] def _approve_policy_request(self, ppr: OutboundPPR): """Determine whether this email falls within the quota :param chapps.outbound.OutboundPPR ppr: the Postfix payload Returns True if this email is within the quota. This routine implements memoization on `ppr.instance` in order to overcome the Postfix double-checking weirdness. Sometimes, Postfix sends a request about a given email twice, but this is easy to spot because they will have the same value for `ppr.instance`. :meta public: """ user = ppr.user if not self._detect_control_data(user): self.acquire_policy_for(user) return self._evaluate_policy_request(ppr)
def _get_delta(self, ppr, attempts): """Obtain the number of seconds between successive attempts This routine should calculate the number of seconds between this attempt and the previous. To do so, it must take into account whether we are counting each recipient, and parse the attempt record accordingly. When counting recipients, the record is a string consisting of the timestamp and the recipient serial number separated by a colon, in order to ensure that each recipient is listed as an attempt in the log. .. admonition: Experimental There is some subtle problem with either or both of the logic here and in the tests, and so since it was initially provided as an interesting extra feature, it is currently disabled and considered experimental. At some point, I intend to come back to it. """ if len(attempts) < 2: return float("inf") delta_index = [-1, -2] if not self.counting_recipients: if len(attempts) < 2: return float("inf") elif len(attempts) > len(ppr.recipients): # skip back all but one recipient recipients_offset = 0 - len(ppr.recipients) delta_index = [d + recipients_offset for d in delta_index] else: return float("inf") # automatically wins logger.debug( f"Looking at time-delta for {ppr}: indices {delta_index!r}" ) try: timestamps = [ float(t.decode("utf-8").split(":")[0]) if ":" in t.decode("utf-8") else float(t.decode("utf-8")) for t in [ attempts[i] for i in delta_index if i < len(attempts) ] ] except IndexError: msg = ( f"Recipients={-recipients_offset}" f" delta_indices={delta_index!r}" f" Attempts: (#{len(attempts)})" ) if len(attempts) < 10: msg += f" {attempts!r}" logger.exception(msg) return float("inf") if len(timestamps) == 2: logger.debug( f"attempts: {[attempts[i] for i in delta_index]}; timestamps: {timestamps!r}" ) return timestamps[0] - timestamps[1] return float("inf") # return a large value def _evaluate_policy_request(self, ppr): """This actually checks to see if it's okay to send the email. .. todo:: in this routine, it would be possible to send pub/sub messages via Redis to consumers who might be interested to know that a particular user's send-attempts list is over a certain length """ instance, user = ppr.instance, ppr.user try: # this may raise TypeError if the user is unknown limit, margin, attempts = self._get_control_data(ppr) except Exception: # pragma: no cover logger.exception("UNEXPECTED") logger.debug( f"Returning denial indicator for {instance} (unexpected exception)." ) return False if not limit: # user does not have a quota profile return False if len(attempts) < 2: # this is the first attempt in the Redis history logger.debug(f"Returning OK for {instance} (first attempt).") return True if self.min_delta != 0: # set up for checking on throttle logger.debug( f"Checking throttle: {ppr.user}:{instance} limit: {limit} margin: {margin} tries: {len(attempts)}" ) this_delta = self._get_delta(ppr, attempts) if this_delta < float(self.min_delta): # trying too fast logger.debug( f"Rejecting {instance} of {user} for trying too fast. ({this_delta}s since last attempt)" ) return False if ( len(attempts) > limit ): # not too fast, check how many send attempts on record ### TODO: alert when the attempts list is really long -- perhaps via Redis pub/sub if ( len(attempts) - margin > limit or len(attempts) - len(ppr.recipients) >= limit ): logger.debug( f"Rejecting {instance} of {user} for having too many attempts in the last interval: recip: {len(ppr.recipients)} limit: {limit}; tries: {len(attempts)}" ) return False else: logger.debug( f"Returning OK for {instance} recip: {len(ppr.recipients)} limit: {limit}; tries: {len(attempts)} (within margin)." ) logger.debug(f"Returning OK for {instance} (under quota).") return True
[docs]class SenderDomainAuthPolicy(EmailPolicy): """Policy manager implementing domain and whole-email matching for senders This class encapsulates explicit policy regarding what sorts of masquerading authenticated users are allowed to do. Currently, two sorts of matches are handled, in succession. First, the domain part of the email address, the entire string after the `@`, is matched against **Domain** entries linked to the **User**. If there is no **Domain** match, then **Email** entries linked to the **User** are checked. **Email** entries must match the entirety of a policy request's `sender` attribute in order to pass. """ adapter_class = SDAAdapter redis_key_prefix = "sda" """Sender domain auth Redis key prefix""" # initialization is when we plug in the config
[docs] def __init__(self, cfg: CHAPPSConfig = None): """Set up a new sender domain authorization policy manager :param chapps.config.CHAPPSConfig cfg: optional config override """ super().__init__(cfg) # sets attrs 'config' and 'redis'
# every subclass has one of these, with a unique name, and fine # but maybe there should also be a generic single entry point
[docs] def sender_domain_key(self, ppr: OutboundPPR) -> str: """Create a Redis key for a user->domain mapping :param chapps.outbound.OutboundPPR ppr: a Postfix payload :returns: the sender domain key, by obtaining the domain part of the email address from `ppr.sender` :rtype: str """ return self._sender_domain_key(ppr.user, self._get_sender_domain(ppr))
[docs] def sender_email_key(self, ppr) -> str: """Create a Redis key for a user->email mapping :param chapps.outbound.OutboundPPR ppr: a Postfix payload :returns: the sender email key, by obtaining the email address from `ppr.sender` :rtype: str """ return self._sender_domain_key(ppr.user, ppr.sender)
# factored out for use in API
[docs] def _sender_domain_key(self, user: str, domain: str) -> str: """Passes its two string params to _fmtkey :meta public: :param str user: user-identifier :param str domain: origin domain or email address :returns: a Redis key :rtype: str Should be called `_sender_auth_key` since it works with both domains and email addresses. """ return self._fmtkey(user, domain)
# determine the domain of the sender address, if any
[docs] @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=2) def _get_sender_domain(self, ppr: OutboundPPR) -> str: """Returns the domain portion of `ppr.sender` :param chapps.outbound.OutboundPPR ppr: a Postfix payload :returns: the domain part of `ppr.sender` :rtype: str :raise chapps.signals.TooManyAtsException: if there are more than one `@` in `ppr.sender` :raise chapps.signals.NotAnEmailAddressException: if there is no `@` in `ppr.sender` :raise chapps.signals.NullSenderException: if `ppr.sender` is `None` :meta public: """ if ppr.sender: return ppr.domain_from(ppr.sender) raise NullSenderException
# We will need to be able to access policy data in the RDBMS def _detect_control_data(self, user, domain): """Look for SDA control data for a user""" key = self._sender_domain_key(user, domain) res = None try: res = self.redis.get(key) except redis.exceptions.ResponseError: # pragma: no cover self.redis.delete(key) # logger.debug(f"Found {key} = {res!r} in Redis") return res if res is None else int(res) def _get_control_data(self, ppr): """Cascade through control data searches: domain, email""" return self._detect_control_data( ppr.user, self._get_sender_domain(ppr) ) or self._detect_control_data(ppr.user, ppr.sender) # We will need to be able to store data in Redis def _store_control_data(self, ppr: OutboundPPR, allowed: int): """Stuff control data into Redis for domain auth""" # logger.debug( # f"store request: {ppr.user} {self._get_sender_domain(ppr)}" # f" {allowed!r}" # ) with self._control_data_storage_context() as dsc: dsc(ppr.user, self._get_sender_domain(ppr), allowed) def _store_email_control_data(self, ppr, allowed): """Stuff control data into Redis for email auth""" # logger.debug(f"store request: {ppr.user} {ppr.sender} {allowed!r}") with self._control_data_storage_context() as dsc: dsc(ppr.user, ppr.sender, allowed) # We will need a Redis storage context manager in order to mimic # the structure of OQP -- metaprogramming opportunity @contextmanager def _control_data_storage_context( self, expire_time: int = seconds_per_day ): """Context manager for storing SDA policy cache data in Redis""" pipe = self.redis.pipeline() fmtkey = self._fmtkey def _dsc(user, domain, allowed): key = fmtkey(user, domain) # logger.debug(f"Storing {key} = {allowed} in Redis") pipe.set(key, allowed, ex=seconds_per_day) try: yield _dsc finally: pipe.execute() pipe.reset() # How to obtain control data
[docs] def acquire_policy_for(self, ppr) -> bool: """Populate Redis with policy config :param chapps.outbound.OutboundPPR ppr: a Postfix payload :returns: whether the policy allows `ppr` :rtype: bool Populates Redis and return the policy result for `ppr`. """ # logger.debug(f"acq pol for {ppr!r}") with self._adapter_handle() as adapter: allowed = adapter.check_domain_for_user( ppr.user, self._get_sender_domain(ppr) ) self._store_control_data(ppr, 1 if allowed else 0) # logger.debug( # f"RDBMS: policy {allowed!r} for {ppr.user} from domain" # f" {self._get_sender_domain(ppr)}" # ) if not allowed: # domain not allowed, check email allowed = adapter.check_email_for_user(ppr.user, ppr.sender) if allowed is not None: self._store_email_control_data(ppr, 1 if allowed else 0) # logger.debug( # f"RDBMS: policy {allowed!r} for {ppr.user} as" # f" {ppr.sender}" # ) return allowed
# This is the main purpose of the class, to answer this question def _approve_policy_request(self, ppr: OutboundPPR) -> bool: """Returns true if `ppr` represents an authorized email :param chapps.outbound.OutboundPPR ppr: a Postfix payload :returns: whether the email represented by `ppr` should be transmitted :rtype: bool Given a PPR, say whether this user is allowed to send as the apparent sender domain or address. Memoize result in the instance cache. """ result = self._get_control_data(ppr) if result is None: result = self.acquire_policy_for(ppr) # logger.debug(f"Obtained {result!r} from RDBMS.") else: # logger.debug(f"Returning {result!r} from Redis.") pass return bool(int(result)) def _decode_policy_cache(self, result) -> SDAStatus: """Decode the {None, 0, 1} response from Redis into an Enum :params int result: b'0', b'1', or None :returns: an SDAStatus corresponding to `result` :rtype: chapps.models.SDAStatus The :class:`Enum` :class:`~chapps.models.SDAStatus` represents these results as nonexistent, prohibited or authorized respectively. """ if result is not None: result = int(result) if result: return SDAStatus.AUTH else: return SDAStatus.PROH else: return SDAStatus.NONE # For the API -- inspect state
[docs] def check_policy_cache(self, user: str, domain: str) -> SDAStatus: """Check a particular policy cache entry for the API :param str user: user-identifier :param str domain: domain or email to check :returns: the cached policy :rtype: chapps.models.SDAStatus """ return self._decode_policy_cache( self._detect_control_data(user, domain) )
[docs] def clear_policy_cache(self, user: str, domain: str) -> SDAStatus: """Clear a specific policy cache entry :param str user: user-identifier :param str domain: domain or email to clear :returns: the previous policy :rtype: SDAStatus """ prev = self.check_policy_cache(user, domain) if prev != SDAStatus.NONE: self.redis.delete(self._sender_domain_key(user, domain)) return prev
[docs] def bulk_clear_policy_cache( self, users: List[str], domains: List[str] = None, emails: List[str] = None, ): r"""Clear SDA policy cache for **User**\ s x [**Domain**\ s + **User**\ s] :param List[str] users: a list of user-identifiers :param Optional[List[str]] domains: a list of domain names :param Optional[List[str]] emails: a list of email addresses :rtype: None """ # there seems to be no max pipeline size # but if things get sketchy, we can chunk this domains = domains or [] emails = emails or [] with self.redis.pipeline() as pipe: for d in domains + emails: for u in users: # logger.debug(f"bulk_clear: erasing {u}:{d}") pipe.delete(self._sender_domain_key(u, d)) pipe.execute() pipe.reset()
[docs] def bulk_check_policy_cache( self, users: List[str], domains: List[str] = None, emails: List[str] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, SDAStatus]]: """Map auth subject onto user status :param List[str] users: a list of user-identifiers :param Optional[List[str]] domains: a list of domain names :param Optional[List[str]] emails: a list of email addresses :returns: an auth subject => user => status map as described below :rtype: Dict[str, Dict[str, SDAStatus]] Builds a map keyed on auth subject (**Domain** and/or **Email**), full of maps from username to status. It looks a bit like this: .. code::python bulk_check_result = { '': { '': SDAStatus.AUTH, '': SDAStatus.PROH, }, '': { '': SDAStatus.NONE, '': SDAStatus.NONE, } } Mainly intended for use by the API. """ emails = emails or [] domains = domains or [] with self.redis.pipeline() as pipe: for d in domains + emails: for u in users: # logger.debug(f"bcpc seeking SDA for {u} from {d}") pipe.get(self._sender_domain_key(u, d)) results = deque(pipe.execute()) pipe.reset() # logger.debug(f"bcpc results: {results!r}") return { d: {u: self._decode_policy_cache(results.popleft()) for u in users} for d in domains + emails }