Source code for chapps.tests.test_sqla_adapter.test_sqla_adapter

"""Tests of CHAPPS SQLAlchemy adapters module"""

import pytest

[docs]class Test_SQLAPolicyConfigAdapter:
[docs] def test_install_schema(self, database_fixture, sqla_pc_adapter_fixture): sqla_pc_adapter_fixture._initialize_tables() cur = database_fixture cur.execute("SHOW TABLES") tables = [t[0] for t in cur.fetchall()] assert "users" in tables
[docs]class Test_SQLAQuotaAdapter:
[docs] def test_initialize_tables_default( self, sqla_oqp_adapter_fixture, database_fixture ): """ Verify that MDBQA's table initialization works properly """ sqla_oqp_adapter_fixture._initialize_tables() cur = database_fixture cur.execute("SHOW TABLES") tables = [t[0] for t in cur.fetchall()] assert "quotas" in tables assert "quota_user" in tables cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(name) FROM quotas") assert cur.fetchone()[0] == 0
[docs] def test_quota_for_user( self, populated_database_fixture, sqla_oqp_adapter_fixture ): """ Verify that MDBQA.quota_for_user returns the expected quota for an email """ quota = sqla_oqp_adapter_fixture.quota_for_user("") assert quota == 240
[docs] def test_quota_for_nonexistent_user( self, populated_database_fixture, sqla_oqp_adapter_fixture ): """ Verify that MDBQA.quota_for_user returns None when the email is not found in the database. """ quota = sqla_oqp_adapter_fixture.quota_for_user( "" ) assert quota == None
[docs]class Test_SQLASenderDomainAuthAdapter:
[docs] def test_initialize_tables( self, sqla_sda_adapter_fixture, database_fixture ): """ Verify that MDBSDAA's table initialization works properly """ sqla_sda_adapter_fixture._initialize_tables() cur = database_fixture # adapter_fixture.conn.cursor() cur.execute("SHOW TABLES") tables = [t[0] for t in cur.fetchall()] assert "domains" in tables assert "domain_user" in tables
[docs] def test_check_domain_for_user( self, sqla_sda_adapter_fixture, populated_database_fixture ): """GIVEN a user has an entry in the database WHEN that user tries to send an email for a domain they are linked to THEN return a True result """ assert sqla_sda_adapter_fixture.check_domain_for_user( "", "" )
[docs] def test_check_email_for_user( self, sqla_sda_adapter_fixture, populated_database_fixture ): assert sqla_sda_adapter_fixture.check_email_for_user( "", "" )
[docs] def test_check_domain_for_unauth_user( self, sqla_sda_adapter_fixture, populated_database_fixture ): """GIVEN a user has an entry in the database WHEN that user tries to send an email for a domain they are not linked to THEN return a False result """ assert not sqla_sda_adapter_fixture.check_domain_for_user( "", "" )
[docs] def test_check_domain_for_nonexistent_user( self, sqla_sda_adapter_fixture, populated_database_fixture ): """GIVEN a user has no entry in the database WHEN that user tries to send an email for any domain THEN return a False result """ assert not sqla_sda_adapter_fixture.check_domain_for_user( "", "" )
[docs]class Test_SQLAInboundFlagsAdapter:
[docs] def test_greylisting_flag_set( self, sqla_if_adapter_fixture, populated_database_fixture_with_extras, greylisting_domain, ): """ :GIVEN: a domain has the greylisting option set :WHEN: asked whether the domain enforces greylisting :THEN: the adapter should return True """ domain = greylisting_domain assert sqla_if_adapter_fixture.do_greylisting_on(domain)
[docs] def test_greylisting_flag_unset( self, sqla_if_adapter_fixture, populated_database_fixture_with_extras, no_options_domain, ): """ :GIVEN: a domain does not have greylisting enabled :WHEN: asked whether the domain enforces greylisting :THEN: the adapter should return False """ domain = no_options_domain assert not sqla_if_adapter_fixture.do_greylisting_on(domain)
[docs] def test_check_spf_flag_set( self, sqla_if_adapter_fixture, populated_database_fixture_with_extras, spf_domain, ): """ :GIVEN: a domain has SPF checking enabled :WHEN: asked whether the domain enforces SPF policies :THEN: the adapter should return True """ domain = spf_domain assert sqla_if_adapter_fixture.check_spf_on(domain)
[docs] def test_check_spf_flag_unset( self, sqla_if_adapter_fixture, populated_database_fixture_with_extras, no_options_domain, ): """ :GIVEN: a domain does not have SPF checking enabled :WHEN: asked whether a domain enforces SPF policies :THEN: the adapter should return False """ domain = no_options_domain assert not sqla_if_adapter_fixture.check_spf_on(domain)