Source code for chapps.tests.test_policy.test_policy

"""Tests for CHAPPS policy module"""
import pytest
import logging
import redis
import time
import spf
from unittest.mock import Mock
from chapps.policy import (
from chapps.config import CHAPPSConfig
from chapps.tests.test_config.conftest import (
from chapps.tests.test_policy.conftest import _auto_ppr_param_list, idfn
from chapps.models import Quota
from inspect import isclass

seconds_per_day = 3600 * 24
pytestmark = pytest.mark.order(3)

[docs]class Test_EmailPolicy: """Tests of the base policy class"""
[docs] def test_rediskey(self): """ GIVEN a prefix and some arguments WHEN we ask EmailPolicy for a redis key THEN it should glue everything together with colons """ prefix = "pre" args = ["foo", "bar"] redis_key = EmailPolicy.rediskey(prefix, *args) assert redis_key == "pre:foo:bar"
[docs] def test_fmtkey(self): """ GIVEN some arguments WHEN we ask EmailPolicy to format a key THEN it should use the prefix 'grl', and glue all together with colons """ args = ["foo", "bar"] redis_key = EmailPolicy._fmtkey(*args) assert redis_key == "chapps:foo:bar"
[docs] def test_approval_not_implemented(self, allowable_ppr): """ GIVEN an instance of EmailPolicy or a subclass WHEN the superclass/abstract version of approve_policy_request is called THEN a NotImplementedError should be raised """ policy = EmailPolicy() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): assert policy.approve_policy_request(allowable_ppr)
[docs] def test_connect_to_redis(self): """ GIVEN a new EmailPolicy WHEN asked for a Redis handle THEN return a Redis handle """ policy = EmailPolicy() assert
[docs] @pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_SENTINEL, reason="Skipping Sentinel tests") def test_connect_to_sentinel( self, chapps_sentinel_env, chapps_sentinel_config_file ): """ GIVEN Sentinel servers are listed in the config file WHEN asked for a Redis handle THEN use Sentinel server and dataset information to get a read-write Redis handle """ sentinel_config = CHAPPSConfig.get_config() policy = EmailPolicy(cfg=sentinel_config) assert assert policy.sentinel is not None
[docs]class Test_PostfixActions: """Tests for abstract Postfix action superclass"""
[docs] def test_okay(self, postfix_actions): """Returns OK""" result = postfix_actions.okay() assert result == "OK"
[docs] def test_okay_accepts_useless_message(self, postfix_actions): """Returns OK even if a message is supplied""" arbitrary_message = "This message will be ignored." result = postfix_actions.okay(arbitrary_message) assert result == "OK"
[docs] def test_dunno(self, postfix_actions): """Returns DUNNO""" result = postfix_actions.dunno() assert result == "DUNNO"
[docs] def test_dunno_accepts_useless_message(self, postfix_actions): """Returns DUNNO even if a message is supplied""" arbitrary_message = "This message will be ignored." result = postfix_actions.dunno(arbitrary_message) assert result == "DUNNO"
[docs] def test_action_for_raises_not_implemented_error(self, postfix_actions): """The method action_for() is abstract and not implemented by PostfixActions""" with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): assert postfix_actions.action_for("foo")
[docs]class Test_PostfixOQPActions: """Testing outbound quota actions for Postfix"""
[docs] def test_pass_yields_okay(self, oqp_actions): """Pass returns OK""" ### When the calling routine gets True from the policy, it will call .pass() ### and when it gets false, it will call .fail() ### It may be that the acceptance message, even for outbound quota, should still be DUNNO result = oqp_actions.passing() assert result == "OK" or result == "DUNNO"
[docs] def test_fail_yields_rejection(self, oqp_actions): """Fail returns a string starting with '554 Rejected' or 'REJECT'""" ### Postfix will insert enhanced status code 5.7.1 which is the code ### we want anyhow. There seems to be no code for gateways to use ### to signal that the user's outbound quota has been reached. result = assert result[0:7] == "REJECT " or result[0:12] == "554 Rejected"
[docs]class Test_PostfixGRLActions: """Testing greylisting actions for Postfix"""
[docs] def test_pass_yields_dunno(self, grl_actions): """Pass returns DUNNO""" result = grl_actions.passing() assert result == "DUNNO"
[docs] def test_fail_yields_rejection(self, grl_actions): """Fail returns a string starting with DEFER_IF_PERMIT""" result = assert result[0:16] == "DEFER_IF_PERMIT "
[docs]class Test_GreylistingPolicy_Base: """Tests of the greylisting policy module"""
[docs] def test_fmtkey(self): """ GIVEN some arguments WHEN we ask EmailPolicy to format a key THEN it should use the prefix 'grl', and glue all together with colons """ args = ["foo", "bar"] redis_key = GreylistingPolicy._fmtkey(*args) assert redis_key == "grl:foo:bar"
[docs] def test_tuple_key(self, caplog, allowable_inbound_ppr): """ GIVEN a PostfixPolicyRequest object populated with valid data WHEN we as for a tuple key THEN a string in the form of grl:<ip>:<sender>:<recipient> should be returned """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) policy = GreylistingPolicy() ppr = allowable_inbound_ppr tuple_key_result = policy.tuple_key(ppr) assert ( tuple_key_result == f"{GreylistingPolicy.redis_key_prefix}:{ppr.client_address}:{ppr.sender}:{ppr.recipient}" )
[docs] def test_client_key(self, caplog, allowable_inbound_ppr): """ GIVEN a PostfixPolicyRequest object populated with valid data WHEN we ask for a client key THEN a string in the form of grl:<ip> should be returned """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) policy = GreylistingPolicy() ppr = allowable_inbound_ppr client_key_result = policy.client_key(ppr) assert ( client_key_result == f"{GreylistingPolicy.redis_key_prefix}:{ppr.client_address}" )
[docs] def test_config_overrides_properly_forwarded( self, caplog, testing_policy_grl ): ### sanity check ### this really tests functionality of the superclass, but it is much more complicated to test it there assert ( testing_policy_grl.config.get_block( "GreylistingPolicy" ).rejection_message == testing_policy_grl.config.policy_grl.rejection_message ) assert ( testing_policy_grl.params.rejection_message == testing_policy_grl.config.policy_grl.rejection_message )
[docs] def test_approve_policy_request( self, caplog, monkeypatch, allowable_inbound_ppr ): """ GIVEN a positive policy evaluation WHEN approve_policy_request is called THEN it should return True """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) policy = GreylistingPolicy() ppr = allowable_inbound_ppr instance = ppr.instance monkeypatch.setattr(policy, "_approve_policy_request", lambda x: True) assert policy.approve_policy_request(ppr) == True
[docs] def test_policy_request_instance_cache( self, caplog, monkeypatch, allowable_inbound_ppr ): """ GIVEN a positive policy evaluation WHEN approve_policy_request is called THEN it should return True """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) policy = GreylistingPolicy() ppr = allowable_inbound_ppr instance = ppr.instance monkeypatch.setattr(policy, "_approve_policy_request", lambda x: True) _ = policy.approve_policy_request(ppr) assert policy.instance_cache[ppr.instance] == True
[docs]class Test_GreylistingPolicyEvaluation:
[docs] def test_first_encounter_false( self, caplog, monkeypatch, allowable_inbound_ppr, testing_policy_grl, populated_database_fixture, ): """ GIVEN a new tuple WHEN executed THEN return False """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) policy = testing_policy_grl ### simulate a new encounter with a new client monkeypatch.setattr( policy, "_get_control_data", lambda x: (None, None, None) ) response = policy._approve_policy_request(allowable_inbound_ppr) assert not response # .passing is False
[docs] def test_pass_if_option_false( self, caplog, monkeypatch, allowable_inbound_ppr, testing_policy_grl, populated_database_fixture, ): """ GIVEN that the option is set to False WHEN examining a policy request THEN issue a passing response since we are not enforcing this policy """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) policy = testing_policy_grl monkeypatch.setattr( policy, "_get_control_data", lambda x: (0, None, None) ) response = policy._approve_policy_request(allowable_inbound_ppr) assert response == "DUNNO" or response() == "DUNNO"
[docs] def test_pass_if_whitelisted( self, caplog, monkeypatch, helo_ppr_factory, testing_policy_grl, populated_database_fixture, ): """ :GIVEN: that the PPR's client (HELO) is whitelisted :WHEN: evaluating an approval request :THEN: issue a passing response """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) policy = testing_policy_grl ppr = helo_ppr_factory("", "") with monkeypatch.context() as m: m.setattr( policy.config, "helo_whitelist", {"": ""}, ) response = policy._approve_policy_request(ppr) assert response == "DUNNO" or response() == "DUNNO"
[docs] def test_first_encounter_updates_tuple( self, caplog, monkeypatch, allowable_inbound_ppr, testing_policy_grl ): """ GIVEN a new tuple WHEN executed THEN update the tuple """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) policy = testing_policy_grl ### simulate a new encounter with a new client monkeypatch.setattr( policy, "_get_control_data", lambda x: (None, None, None) ) mock_update = Mock() monkeypatch.setattr(policy, "_update_tuple", mock_update) response = policy._approve_policy_request(allowable_inbound_ppr) assert mock_update.called
[docs] def test_recognized_tuple_passes( self, caplog, monkeypatch, allowable_inbound_ppr, testing_policy_grl ): """ GIVEN a recognized tuple - a timestamp WHEN the tuple was seen more than min_delay seconds ago THEN return True """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) policy = testing_policy_grl ### simulate a timestamp we saw about 15 min ago monkeypatch.setattr( policy, "_get_control_data", lambda x: (1, time.time() - (60 * 15), None), ) response = policy._approve_policy_request(allowable_inbound_ppr) assert response
[docs] def test_recognized_tuple_updates_client_tally( self, caplog, monkeypatch, allowable_inbound_ppr, testing_policy_grl ): """ GIVEN a recognized tuple - a timestamp WHEN the tuple was seen more than min_delay seconds ago THEN return True """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) policy = testing_policy_grl ### simulate a timestamp we saw about 15 min ago monkeypatch.setattr( policy, "_get_control_data", lambda x: (1, time.time() - (60 * 15), None), ) mock_update = Mock() monkeypatch.setattr(policy, "_update_client_tally", mock_update) response = policy._approve_policy_request(allowable_inbound_ppr) assert mock_update.called
[docs] def test_sufficient_client_tally_permits_sending_for_unrecognized_tuple( self, caplog, monkeypatch, allowable_inbound_ppr, mock_client_tally, testing_policy_grl, populate_redis_grl, populated_database_fixture, ): """ GIVEN a new tuple from a client with a large enough tally WHEN executed THEN return True """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) ppr = allowable_inbound_ppr policy = testing_policy_grl with monkeypatch.context() as m: m.setattr(ppr, "sender", "") m.setattr(ppr, "recipient", "") populate_redis_grl( policy.tuple_key(ppr), { policy.client_key(ppr): mock_client_tally( policy.allow_after ) }, ) # # this hotwires the data-getter, which circumvents testing of # # the Redis-access routines which are part of the policy # m.setattr( # policy, # "_get_control_data", # lambda x: (1, None, policy.allow_after), # ) response = policy._approve_policy_request(ppr) assert response
[docs] def test_client_tally_updated_when_unrecognized_tuple_passes( self, caplog, monkeypatch, allowable_inbound_ppr, mock_client_tally, testing_policy_grl, populate_redis_grl, ): """ GIVEN a new tuple from a client with a large enough tally WHEN executed THEN update the tally """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) ppr = allowable_inbound_ppr policy = testing_policy_grl with monkeypatch.context() as m: m.setattr(ppr, "sender", "") populate_redis_grl( policy.tuple_key(ppr), { policy.client_key(ppr): mock_client_tally( policy.allow_after ) }, ) tally = policy.redis.zrange(policy.client_key(ppr), 0, -1) assert len(tally) == policy.allow_after _ = policy._approve_policy_request(ppr) tally = policy.redis.zrange(policy.client_key(ppr), 0, -1) assert tally[-1].decode("utf-8") == ppr.instance assert len(tally) == policy.allow_after + 1
[docs] def test_retry_too_soon_fails( self, caplog, monkeypatch, allowable_inbound_ppr, testing_policy_grl ): """ GIVEN a recognized tuple WHEN the tuple was seen too recently (less than min_delay seconds) THEN return False """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) policy = testing_policy_grl ### simulate a timestamp we saw about 15 min ago monkeypatch.setattr( policy, "_get_control_data", lambda x: (1, time.time(), None) ) response = policy._approve_policy_request(allowable_inbound_ppr) assert not response
[docs] def test_retry_too_soon_updates_tuple( self, caplog, monkeypatch, allowable_inbound_ppr, testing_policy_grl ): """ GIVEN a recognized tuple WHEN the tuple was seen too recently (less than min_delay seconds) THEN return False """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) policy = testing_policy_grl ### simulate a timestamp we saw about 15 min ago monkeypatch.setattr( policy, "_get_control_data", lambda x: (1, time.time(), None) ) mock_update = Mock() monkeypatch.setattr(policy, "_update_tuple", mock_update) response = policy._approve_policy_request(allowable_inbound_ppr) assert mock_update.called
[docs]class Test_GreylistingPolicy_update_control_data: """Testing control update routes _update_tuple and _update_client_tally"""
[docs] def test_update_tuple( self, caplog, clear_redis_grl, allowable_inbound_ppr ): """ GIVEN a ppr WHEN _update_tuple executed THEN set a key with a particular structure to a current timestamp """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) ppr = allowable_inbound_ppr policy = GreylistingPolicy() t = time.time() policy._update_tuple(ppr) t_stored = policy.redis.get(policy.tuple_key(ppr)) assert t_stored is not None t_stored = float(t_stored) assert t_stored > t and t_stored < time.time()
[docs] def test_update_client_tally( self, caplog, clear_redis_grl, allowable_inbound_ppr ): """ GIVEN a ppr WHEN _update_client_tally is executed THEN add the tuple (map) instance -> timestamp to the client key """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) ppr = allowable_inbound_ppr policy = GreylistingPolicy() policy._update_client_tally(ppr) client_tally = policy.redis.zrange(policy.client_key(ppr), 0, -1) assert client_tally[0].decode("utf-8") == ppr.instance
[docs] def test_skip_client_tally_update_if_allow_after_is_zero( self, caplog, monkeypatch, clear_redis_grl, allowable_inbound_ppr ): """ GIVEN that allow_after is set to zero (we are not keeping a success tally) WHEN _update_client_tally is executed THEN immediately return """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) ppr = allowable_inbound_ppr policy = GreylistingPolicy(auto_allow_after=0) mock_redis_pipeline = Mock() with monkeypatch.context() as m: m.setattr(policy.redis, "pipeline", mock_redis_pipeline) _ = policy._update_client_tally(ppr) assert not mock_redis_pipeline.called
[docs]class Test_GreylistingPolicy_get_control_data: """This method interfaces with Redis"""
[docs] def test_no_keys_yet_exist( self, caplog, clear_redis_grl, allowable_inbound_ppr ): """ GIVEN a new tuple WHEN control data is requested THEN the returned tuple should have None as its first element """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) policy = GreylistingPolicy() ppr = allowable_inbound_ppr response = policy._get_control_data(ppr) assert response[0] is None
[docs] def test_tuple_is_recognized( self, caplog, clear_redis_grl, allowable_inbound_ppr ): """ GIVEN a recognized tuple WHEN control data is requested THEN the tuple should have a timestamp (float) as its 2nd argument """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) policy = GreylistingPolicy() ppr = allowable_inbound_ppr policy._update_tuple(ppr) response = policy._get_control_data(ppr) assert type(response[1]) == float assert response[1] < time.time()
[docs] def test_allow_after_is_zero( self, caplog, monkeypatch, clear_redis_grl, allowable_inbound_ppr ): """ GIVEN a recognized tuple, and allow_after set to 0 WHEN control data is requested THEN the third member of the tuple should always be None """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) policy = GreylistingPolicy() ppr = allowable_inbound_ppr policy._update_tuple(ppr) monkeypatch.setattr(policy, "allow_after", 0) response = policy._get_control_data(ppr) assert response[2] == None
[docs] def test_new_tuple_client_tally_present( self, caplog, monkeypatch, mock_client_tally, populate_redis_grl, allowable_inbound_ppr, unique_instance, ): """ GIVEN an unrecognized tuple, but existing client tally WHEN executed THEN the count should be returned as the third member of the tuple """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) policy = GreylistingPolicy() ppr = allowable_inbound_ppr tally = mock_client_tally(policy.allow_after - 2) tuple_key = "" with monkeypatch.context() as m: m.setattr(ppr, "sender", "") tuple_key = policy.tuple_key(ppr) client_key = policy.client_key(ppr) populate_redis_grl(tuple_key, {client_key: tally}) response = policy._get_control_data(ppr) assert response[1] is None assert response[2] == len(tally)
[docs] def test_tuple_recognized_and_tally_exists( self, caplog, mock_client_tally, allowable_inbound_ppr, populate_redis_grl, unique_instance, ): """ :GIVEN: a recognized tuple, and an existing tally :WHEN: executed :THEN: return the option flag, a timestamp, and the client's tally in that order """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) policy = GreylistingPolicy() ppr = allowable_inbound_ppr tally = mock_client_tally(policy.allow_after - 2) tuple_key = policy.tuple_key(ppr) client_key = policy.client_key(ppr) populate_redis_grl(tuple_key, {client_key: tally}) response = policy._get_control_data(ppr) assert type(response[1]) == float assert response[1] < time.time() assert response[2] == len(tally)
[docs]class Test_OutboundQuotaPolicy: """Tests of the outbound quota policy module"""
[docs] def test_oqp_fmtkey(self): """ GIVEN: email (user), and parameter name WHEN: oqp is asked for a Redis key THEN: oqp._fmtkey(user, param) should return a string like 'oqp:<user>:<param>' """ policy = OutboundQuotaPolicy() redis_key = policy._fmtkey("", "attempts") assert redis_key == ""
[docs] def test_approve_policy_request( self, caplog, allowable_ppr, well_spaced_attempts, populate_redis ): """ Verify that underquota users' emails are approved. """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) populate_redis(allowable_ppr.user, 100, well_spaced_attempts(80)) policy = OutboundQuotaPolicy() assert policy.approve_policy_request(allowable_ppr)
[docs] def test_approve_last_remaining_quota( self, caplog, allowable_ppr, well_spaced_attempts, populate_redis ): """ Verify that the last bit of a quota can be used. """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) populate_redis(allowable_ppr.user, 100, well_spaced_attempts(99)) policy = OutboundQuotaPolicy() assert policy.approve_policy_request(allowable_ppr)
[docs] def test_approve_last_with_multiple_recipients( self, caplog, groupsend_ppr, well_spaced_attempts, populate_redis ): """ Verify that multiple recipients adding up to the last available messages will be approved. """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) recipient_count = len(groupsend_ppr.recipient.split(",")) populate_redis( groupsend_ppr.user, 100, well_spaced_attempts(100 - recipient_count), ) policy = OutboundQuotaPolicy() assert policy.approve_policy_request(groupsend_ppr)
[docs] def test_approve_underquota_within_margin( self, caplog, multisend_ppr_factory, well_spaced_attempts, populate_redis, ): """ Verify that when a multi-recipient email takes an underquota account overquota, it will be approved if the amount overquota is within the established margin. """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) # create a PPR reflecting 8 recipients groupsend_ppr = multisend_ppr_factory("", 8) # for the sender, set a limit of 100, a margin of 10, and 95 well-spaced send attempts populate_redis(groupsend_ppr.user, 100, well_spaced_attempts(95), 10) policy = OutboundQuotaPolicy() # even though this would be 3 emails overquota, it should be allowed anyway, by the margin assert policy.approve_policy_request(groupsend_ppr) assert any("OK" in rec.message for rec in caplog.records)
[docs] def test_deny_policy_request( self, overquota_ppr, well_spaced_attempts, populate_redis ): """ Verify that overquota users are rejected. """ populate_redis(overquota_ppr.user, 100, well_spaced_attempts(150)) policy = OutboundQuotaPolicy() assert not policy.approve_policy_request(overquota_ppr)
[docs] def test_deny_when_too_many_recipients( self, multisend_ppr_factory, well_spaced_attempts, populate_redis ): """:GIVEN: a multi-recipient PPR :WHEN: the recipient list would go over the quota :THEN: the attempt is denied. This has the side-effect of meaning that rejected multi-recipient attempts add their recipient count to the attempt history, meaning that the account will be fully over-quota once this occurs. """ groupsend_ppr = multisend_ppr_factory("", 20) populate_redis(groupsend_ppr.user, 100, well_spaced_attempts(95), 10) policy = OutboundQuotaPolicy() assert not policy.approve_policy_request(groupsend_ppr)
[docs] def test_deny_overquota_within_margin( self, caplog, groupsend_ppr, well_spaced_attempts, populate_redis ): """ Verify that an account which is just over-quota will not have a new email which is within the margin approved. This is to ensure that the quota is real, and not just enlarged by the margin. """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) populate_redis(groupsend_ppr.user, 100, well_spaced_attempts(101), 10) policy = OutboundQuotaPolicy() assert not policy.approve_policy_request(groupsend_ppr) assert any( "too many attempts" in rec.message for rec in caplog.records )
[docs] @pytest.mark.xfail # this feature is on hold at present def test_deny_rapid_attempts( self, allowable_ppr, rapid_attempts, populate_redis ): """ Verify that attempts which come too fast will be rejected. """ populate_redis(allowable_ppr.user, 200, rapid_attempts(20)) policy = OutboundQuotaPolicy() assert not policy.approve_policy_request(allowable_ppr)
[docs] def test_return_cached_instance_approval( self, allowable_ppr, well_spaced_double_attempts, populate_redis, caplog, ): """ GIVEN we have already seen a particular instance before, WHEN we are asked to approve or deny it THEN we will return the cached value of the instance (which really only matters on approval) """ populate_redis( allowable_ppr.user, 200, well_spaced_double_attempts(100) ) policy = OutboundQuotaPolicy() policy.instance_cache[allowable_ppr.instance] = False ### need a patched policy which has the instance in its instance cache response = policy.approve_policy_request(allowable_ppr) for m in caplog.messages: print(m) assert response == False
[docs] def test_approve_policy_request_for_uncached( self, uncached_allowable_ppr, well_spaced_attempts, populated_database_fixture, testing_policy, ): """ Verify that existing-but-uncached users' emails are approved. (Uncached implies they have sent no emails w/i the rolling interval.) """ assert testing_policy.approve_policy_request(uncached_allowable_ppr)
[docs] def test_deny_policy_request_for_undefined( self, undefined_ppr, populated_database_fixture, testing_policy ): """ Verify that undefined users are rejected. """ assert not testing_policy.approve_policy_request(undefined_ppr)
[docs] def test_current_quota( self, sda_allowable_ppr, populate_redis, well_spaced_attempts, populated_database_fixture, testing_policy, ): ppr = sda_allowable_ppr attempts = well_spaced_attempts(100) populate_redis(ppr.user, 240, attempts) remaining, remarks = testing_policy.current_quota( ppr.user, Quota(id=1, name="10eph", quota=240) ) assert remaining == 140 last_try = time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT, time.gmtime(attempts[-1])) assert f"Last send attempt was at {last_try}" in remarks
auto_ppr_param_list = _auto_ppr_param_list( senders=[ "", "", "", "bareword", ] )
[docs]class Test_SenderDomainAuthPolicy:
[docs] def test_sda_fmtkey(self): policy = SenderDomainAuthPolicy() redis_key = policy._fmtkey("", "") assert redis_key == ""
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "auto_ppr, expected_result", auto_ppr_param_list, ids=idfn ) def test_get_sender_domain(self, auto_ppr, expected_result): policy = SenderDomainAuthPolicy() if isclass(expected_result) and issubclass(expected_result, Exception): with pytest.raises(expected_result): assert policy._get_sender_domain(auto_ppr) else: result = policy._get_sender_domain(auto_ppr) assert result == expected_result
[docs] def test_sender_domain_key(self, allowable_ppr): policy = SenderDomainAuthPolicy() redis_key = policy.sender_domain_key(allowable_ppr) assert ( redis_key == f"sda:{allowable_ppr.sasl_username}:{allowable_ppr.sender.split('@')[1]}" )
[docs] def test_authorized_user(self, sda_allowable_ppr, testing_policy_sda): result = testing_policy_sda.approve_policy_request(sda_allowable_ppr) assert result == True
[docs] def test_whole_email_auth(self, sda_auth_email_ppr, testing_policy_sda): result = testing_policy_sda.approve_policy_request(sda_auth_email_ppr) assert result == True
[docs] def test_whole_email_unauth( self, sda_unauth_email_ppr, testing_policy_sda ): result = testing_policy_sda.approve_policy_request( sda_unauth_email_ppr ) assert result == False
### note that no clearing of Redis is going on
[docs] def test_cached_authed_user( self, monkeypatch, sda_allowable_ppr, testing_policy_sda ): mock_acq_pol_data = Mock(result=False) with monkeypatch.context() as m: m.setattr( testing_policy_sda, "acquire_policy_for", mock_acq_pol_data ) result = testing_policy_sda.approve_policy_request( sda_allowable_ppr ) mock_acq_pol_data.assert_not_called() assert result == True
[docs] def test_cached_whole_email( self, monkeypatch, sda_auth_email_ppr, testing_policy_sda ): mock_acq_pol_data = Mock(result=True) with monkeypatch.context() as m: m.setattr( testing_policy_sda, "acquire_policy_for", mock_acq_pol_data ) result = testing_policy_sda.approve_policy_request( sda_auth_email_ppr ) mock_acq_pol_data.assert_not_called() assert result == True
[docs] def test_unauthorized_user( self, sda_unauth_ppr, testing_policy_sda, clear_redis_sda ): result = testing_policy_sda.approve_policy_request(sda_unauth_ppr) assert result == False
### For completeness we will test both
[docs] def test_cached_unauth_user( self, monkeypatch, sda_unauth_ppr, testing_policy_sda ): mock_acq_pol_data = Mock(result=True) with monkeypatch.context() as m: m.setattr( testing_policy_sda, "acquire_policy_for", mock_acq_pol_data ) result = testing_policy_sda.approve_policy_request(sda_unauth_ppr) mock_acq_pol_data.assert_not_called()
[docs]class Test_InboundPolicy:
[docs] def test_whitelist(self, testing_policy_inbound, helo_ppr_factory): """ :GIVEN: a helo whitelist and an inbound policy :WHEN: the PPR reflects a connection from the whitelisted server :THEN: the policy's _whitelisted() method should return True """ policy = testing_policy_inbound ppr = helo_ppr_factory("", "") assert ppr.helo_match({"": ""})
[docs] def test_not_whitelisted(self, testing_policy_inbound, helo_ppr_factory): """ :GIVEN: a helo whitelist and an inbound policy :WHEN: the PPR reflects a connection from an unlisted server :THEN: the policy's _whitelisted() method should return False """ policy = testing_policy_inbound ppr = helo_ppr_factory("", "") assert not ppr.helo_match({"": ""})