Source code for chapps.tests.test_outbound.test_outbound

import pytest
import logging
from chapps.outbound import OutboundPPR
from chapps.signals import AuthenticationFailureException
from chapps.config import CHAPPSConfig

[docs]class Test_OutboundPPR: """Tests of the OutboundPPR subclass, which is a PPR knowing how to discover a user for outbound"""
[docs] def test_user_default(self, chapps_test_env, testing_userppr): assert type(testing_userppr) == OutboundPPR assert ( testing_userppr.user == testing_userppr.sasl_username ) # this being the default assert testing_userppr.user is not None assert testing_userppr.user != "None"
[docs] def test_no_user_key_no_auth( self, monkeypatch, chapps_test_env, testing_userppr ): with monkeypatch.context() as m: m.setattr(testing_userppr, "sasl_username", None) assert type(testing_userppr) == OutboundPPR with pytest.raises(AuthenticationFailureException): assert testing_userppr.user
[docs] def test_get_user_memoization( self, monkeypatch, chapps_mock_env, chapps_mock_cfg_path, mocking_userppr, ): assert chapps_mock_env == chapps_mock_cfg_path assert str(CHAPPSConfig.what_config_file()) == chapps_mock_cfg_path assert not mocking_userppr._params.require_user_key # the foregoing assertions establish that the user-key is not # required, therefore a longer search path should be followed with monkeypatch.context() as m: m.setattr(mocking_userppr, "sasl_username", None) assert type(mocking_userppr) == OutboundPPR # because the memoized routine from the previous test # has only the one entry, it will raise ValueError when # it cannot find the user key with pytest.raises(ValueError): assert mocking_userppr.user
[docs] def test_user_default_no_sasl( self, monkeypatch, chapps_mock_env, chapps_mock_cfg_path, mocking_userppr, ): OutboundPPR.clear_memoized_routines() # reset memoization assert chapps_mock_env == chapps_mock_cfg_path assert str(CHAPPSConfig.what_config_file()) == chapps_mock_cfg_path assert not mocking_userppr._params.require_user_key with monkeypatch.context() as m: m.setattr(mocking_userppr, "sasl_username", None) assert type(mocking_userppr) == OutboundPPR assert mocking_userppr.user == mocking_userppr.ccert_subject assert mocking_userppr.user is not None assert mocking_userppr.user != "None"
[docs] def test_user_default_no_sasl_or_ccert( self, monkeypatch, chapps_mock_env, mocking_userppr ): with monkeypatch.context() as m: m.setattr(mocking_userppr, "sasl_username", None) m.setattr(mocking_userppr, "ccert_subject", None) assert type(mocking_userppr) == OutboundPPR assert mocking_userppr.user == mocking_userppr.sender assert mocking_userppr.user is not None assert mocking_userppr.user != "None"
[docs] def test_user_default_no_sasl_ccert_or_sender( self, caplog, monkeypatch, chapps_mock_env, mocking_userppr ): caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) with monkeypatch.context() as m: m.setattr(mocking_userppr, "sasl_username", None) m.setattr(mocking_userppr, "ccert_subject", None) m.setattr(mocking_userppr, "sender", None) assert type(mocking_userppr) == OutboundPPR assert mocking_userppr.user is not None assert mocking_userppr.user != "None" assert mocking_userppr.user == mocking_userppr.client_address assert mocking_userppr.user == ""