Source code for chapps.tests.test_config.test_config

"""Tests for CHAPPS configuration code"""
from unittest.mock import patch
from pathlib import Path
import configparser
import pytest
import filecmp
from chapps.config import CHAPPSConfig

pytestmark = pytest.mark.order(2)

DEFAULT_CHAPPS_TEST_CONFIG_WRITE_PATH = "etc/chapps/chapps_test_write.ini"

[docs]class Test_Config:
[docs] def test_what_config_file_returns_path(self, chapps_test_env): result = CHAPPSConfig.what_config_file() assert isinstance(result, Path)
[docs] def test_what_config_file(self, chapps_test_cfg_path, chapps_test_env): result = CHAPPSConfig.what_config_file() assert str(result) == chapps_test_cfg_path
[docs] def test_mock_config_file(self, chapps_mock_cfg_path, chapps_mock_env): result = CHAPPSConfig.what_config_file() assert str(result) == chapps_mock_cfg_path
[docs] def test_setup_config(self): cp = configparser.ConfigParser() CHAPPSConfig.setup_config(cp) assert cp["CHAPPS"]["payload_encoding"] == "utf-8" assert ( cp["CHAPPS"]["user_key"] == "sasl_username" ) # we assume this elsewhere assert cp["PolicyConfigAdapter"]["adapter"] == "mariadb" assert cp["GreylistingPolicy"]["acceptance_message"] == "DUNNO" assert cp["Redis"]["server"] == "localhost"
[docs] def test_write_config( self, chapps_mock_config, chapps_mock_config_file, chapps_mock_cfg_path ): """Test that when we write a config file, one is written that contains the config""" cfg_path = CHAPPSConfig.write_config( chapps_mock_config, DEFAULT_CHAPPS_TEST_CONFIG_WRITE_PATH ) assert filecmp.cmp(str(cfg_path), chapps_mock_cfg_path, shallow=False) cfg_path.unlink()
[docs] def test_write_config_bad_path(self, chapps_mock_config): """ Verify that an OSError is raised if the write path is unworkable. """ with pytest.raises(OSError): assert CHAPPSConfig.write_config( chapps_mock_config, "/dev/null/somedir/noway.ini" )
[docs] def test_self_write(self, chapps_test_env, chapps_test_cfg_path): cfg = CHAPPSConfig() cfg_path = cfg.write(DEFAULT_CHAPPS_TEST_CONFIG_WRITE_PATH) assert filecmp.cmp( str(cfg_path), cfg.chapps.config_file, shallow=False ) cfg_path.unlink() assert cfg.chapps.config_file == chapps_test_cfg_path
[docs] def test_chapps_config_defaults(self, chapps_test_env): """Ensure that all CHAPPS settings defaults are present""" config = CHAPPSConfig() chapps_config = config.chapps assert chapps_config.payload_encoding == "utf-8"
[docs] def test_policy_config_adapter_defaults(self, chapps_test_env): config = CHAPPSConfig() adapter_config = config.adapter assert adapter_config.adapter == "mariadb" assert adapter_config.db_host == "localhost" assert adapter_config.db_port == 3306 assert adapter_config.db_name == "chapps" assert adapter_config.db_user == "chapps" assert adapter_config.db_pass == "chapps"
[docs] def test_oqp_config_defaults(self, chapps_test_env): """Ensure that all default policy origin settings are present""" config = CHAPPSConfig() policy_config = config.policy_oqp assert policy_config.listen_address == "localhost" assert policy_config.listen_port == 10225 assert policy_config.acceptance_message == "DUNNO" assert ( policy_config.rejection_message == "REJECT Rejected - outbound quota fulfilled" ) assert config.policy_grl.acceptance_message == "DUNNO" assert ( config.policy_grl.rejection_message == "DEFER_IF_PERMIT Service temporarily unavailable - greylisted" )
[docs] def test_redis_config_defaults(self, chapps_test_env): """Ensure that all Redis setting defaults are present""" config = CHAPPSConfig() redis_config = config.redis assert redis_config.server == "localhost" assert redis_config.port == 6379
[docs] def test_config_overrides( self, chapps_mock_env, chapps_mock_config_file, chapps_mock_config, chapps_mock_cfg_path, ): """Test a bunch of keys to show that an non-default config prevails""" config = CHAPPSConfig() chapps_config = config.chapps adapter_config = config.adapter policy_config = config.policy_oqp redis_config = config.redis assert chapps_config.config_file == str(Path(chapps_mock_cfg_path)) assert ( chapps_config.payload_encoding == chapps_mock_config["CHAPPS"]["payload_encoding"] ) assert ( policy_config.rejection_message == "554 Rejected because I said so." ) assert policy_config.acceptance_message == "DUNNO" assert adapter_config.adapter == "mysql" assert adapter_config.db_port == 3306 assert adapter_config.db_user == "chapps_test" assert adapter_config.db_name == "chapps_test" assert adapter_config.db_pass == "screwy%pass${word}" assert policy_config.margin == 50.0 assert policy_config.counting_recipients == False assert ( config.policy_grl.rejection_message == "DEFER_IF_PERMIT Service temporarily stupid" ) assert redis_config.server == "" assert redis_config.port == 6379
[docs] def test_get_block( self, chapps_mock_env, chapps_mock_config_file, chapps_mock_config, chapps_mock_cfg_path, ): config = CHAPPSConfig() policy_grl = config.get_block("GreylistingPolicy") assert ( policy_grl.rejection_message == config.policy_grl.rejection_message )
[docs] def test_helo_whitelist( self, chapps_helo_env, chapps_helo_config_file, chapps_helo_config, chapps_helo_cfg_path, ): config = CHAPPSConfig() # these settings are weird, but they are for integration testing # all that matters here is that they come through properly assert config.helo_whitelist == {"[]": ""}