Source code for chapps.inbound


And possibly other classes related to outbound traffic, but right now there is
only one, which is an outbound-only subclass of

from typing import List
from functools import cached_property
from chapps.util import PostfixPolicyRequest

# from chapps.config import config, CHAPPSConfig
from chapps.signals import NoRecipientsException
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class InboundPPR(PostfixPolicyRequest): """Encapsulates logic to identify the client domain for inbound mail """
[docs] def __init__(self, payload: List[str], **kwargs): """Create a new inbound policy request""" super().__init__(payload)
@cached_property def recipient_domain(self): if not len(self.recipients): raise NoRecipientsException( f"PPR {ppr.instance} contains no recipients" ) domains = set([self.domain_from(e) for e in self.recipients]) if len(domains) > 1: # raise MultipleInboundRecipientsException ? logger.debug( f"Using first recipient {ppr.recipients[0]} for domain flags." ) return self.domain_from(self.recipients[0]) def __str__(self): """In certain contexts, `str(<o_ppr>)` is used for brevity The routine tries to use the `user` which is the point of the class, but if it cannot determine a non-nil user name, it falls back to printing a bit of extra detail. """ try: return ( f"i={self.instance} " f"domain={self.recipient_domain} " f"sender={self.sender or 'None'} " f"client_address={self.client_address} " f"recipient={self.recipient}" ) except Exception: return ( f"i={self.instance} " f"sender={self.sender or 'None'} " f"client_address={self.client_address} " f"recipient={self.recipient}" )