Source code for chapps.adapter

Policy Configuration Adapters

Policy-configuration source data adapters.

All of these currently interface to MariaDB as a fairly low level.
A change is planned to convert all of this to use SQLAlchemy.

import MySQLdb as dbmodule
import logging
from chapps.config import CHAPPSConfig

# from chapps.dbsession import sql_engine, sessionmaker
from chapps.models import User, Domain, Email, Quota
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import List, Dict, Union, Any

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pragma: no cover

[docs]class PolicyConfigAdapter: """Base class for policy config access Right now, all of the adapters use MariaDB, but this will change (as noted below). Non-database adapters could also be created, which might use a flat file, or a blockchain, or some sort of other API interaction, to be the source of policy data. Ideally there should be a second-level base class called something like `MariaDBPolicyConfigAdapter` which would hold all the SQL-specific stuff, but that would make a lot more sense if a) there were going to be a lot of weird, different adapters. We may yet get there! b) there were anything else to put in the base class For now, however, this class serves to store instructions about how to create the **User** table, since they are used for everything, just about. .. admonition:: SQL constants are deprecated. All of the SQL statement constant strings defined in this class are deprecated. In a future version, all of this logic will be accomplished using SQLAlchemy. """ user_table = ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users (" # pragma: no cover "id BIGINT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY," "name VARCHAR(127) UNIQUE NOT NULL" ")" ) """SQL query used to create the **user** table.""" userid_query = "SELECT id FROM users WHERE name = %(user)s" """ SQL query for obtaining the ID of a **user**. These queries will go away when the older codebase is adapted to use SQLAlchemy """
[docs] def __init__( self, *, cfg: CHAPPSConfig = None, db_host: str = None, db_port: int = None, db_name: str = None, db_user: str = None, db_pass: str = None, autocommit: bool = True, ): """ :param str db_host: the hostname or IP address of the database server :param int db_port: the port number of the database server :param str db_name: the name of the database :param str db_user: the username for login :param str db_pass: the password for the user :param bool autocommit: defaults to True """ self.config = cfg or CHAPPSConfig.get_config() self.params = self.config.adapter = db_host or self.params.db_host or "" self.port = db_port or self.params.db_port or 3306 self.user = db_user or self.params.db_user self.pswd = db_pass or self.params.db_pass self.db = db_name or self.params.db_name self.autocommit = autocommit kwargs = dict( user=self.user, password=self.pswd,, port=int(self.port), database=self.db, autocommit=self.autocommit, ) self.conn = dbmodule.connect(**kwargs)
[docs] def finalize(self): """Close the database connection.""" self.conn.close()
def _initialize_tables(self): """Set up required tables. Everything requires User records, so those tables are created here. """ cur = self.conn.cursor() cur.execute(self.user_table) cur.close()
[docs] @contextmanager def adapter_context(self): """Database connection context manager. This method is meant to be used as a context manager, like so: .. code:: python with someadapter.adapter_context() as cur: cur.execute(some_sql) The context manager closes the cursor once the context ends. """ cur = self.conn.cursor() try: yield cur finally: cur.close()
[docs]class MariaDBQuotaAdapter(PolicyConfigAdapter): """An adapter for obtaining quota policy data from MariaDB .. admonition:: SQL constants are deprecated. All of the SQL statement constant strings defined in this class are deprecated. In a future version, all of this logic will be accomplished using SQLAlchemy. """ quota_table = ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS quotas (" # pragma: no cover "id BIGINT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY," "name VARCHAR(31) UNIQUE NOT NULL," "quota BIGINT UNIQUE NOT NULL" ")" ) """SQL statement for creating the **Quota** table.""" join_table = ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS quota_user (" # pragma: no cover "quota_id BIGINT NOT NULL," "user_id BIGINT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY," "CONSTRAINT fk_user_quota" " FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users (id)" " ON DELETE CASCADE" " ON UPDATE RESTRICT," "CONSTRAINT fk_quota" " FOREIGN KEY (quota_id) REFERENCES quotas (id)" " ON DELETE CASCADE" " ON UPDATE CASCADE" # allow replacement of quota defs ")" ) """SQL statement for creating the join table between **Quota** and **User** tables.""" basic_quotas = ( "INSERT INTO quotas ( name, quota ) VALUES " # pragma: no cover "('10eph', 240)," "('50eph', 1200)," "('200eph', 4800)" ) """Doubly deprecated insert statement for creating basic quotas.""" quota_query = ( "SELECT quota FROM quotas WHERE id = (" # pragma: no cover "SELECT quota_id FROM quota_user AS j" " LEFT JOIN users AS u ON j.user_id =" " WHERE = %(user)s" ")" ) """SQL query for selecting a **Quota**'s `quota` value for a named **User**.""" quota_map_query = ( "SELECT AS user, p.quota FROM quotas AS p" # pragma: no cover " LEFT JOIN quota_user AS j ON = j.quota_id" " LEFT JOIN users AS u ON j.user_id =" ) """SQL query for selecting a list of users and their quotas.""" quota_map_where = "WHERE IN ({srch})" # pragma: no cover r"""SQL for specifying which **User**\ s to returns quota values for.""" def _initialize_tables(self, *, defquotas: bool = False): """Initialize tables required for this adapter/policy :py:mod:`chapps.policy.OutboundQuotaPolicy` requires a **Quota** object representing the user's outbound transmission limit. The **Quota** has both a name and a value, for humans. """ super()._initialize_tables() cur = self.conn.cursor() cur.execute(self.quota_table) cur.execute(self.join_table) if defquotas: cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(name) FROM quotas") if cur.fetchone()[0] == 0: cur.execute(self.basic_quotas) cur.close()
[docs] def quota_for_user(self, user: str) -> Union[int, None]: """Return the quota amount for an user account :param str user: the user's name """ cur = self.conn.cursor() cur.execute(self.quota_query, dict(user=user)) try: res = cur.fetchone()[0] except TypeError: # generally meaning no result; we could log this res = None except mariadb.Error as e: # pragma: no cover logger.error(e) res = None finally: cur.close() return res
def _quota_search(self, users: List[str] = None): """Return selected rows of username and quota-amount Use deprecated stored constant SQL fragments to search for the specified users, or select all users. Return value is similar to: .. code::python [ ("username1", 200), ("username2", 400) ] """ users = users or [] cur = self.conn.cursor() if len(users) == 0: query = self.quota_map_query cur.execute(query) else: query = self.quota_map_query + " " + self.quota_map_where srch = str(users)[ 1:-1 ] # produces a string suitable for SQL "IN ()" cur.execute(query.format(srch=srch)) return cur.fetchall()
[docs] def quota_dict(self, users: List[str] = None) -> Dict[str, str]: """Return a dict which maps users onto their quotas :param List[str] users: Optional limiting list of usernames; if empty or not provided, all users will be listed. """ users = users or [] rows = self._quota_search(users) res = {r[0]: r[1] for r in rows} return res
[docs] def quota_map(self, func: callable, users: List[str] = None) -> List[Any]: """Map a callable over a set of users and their quotas :param callable func: A callable which will be passed (username, quota amount) for each user in the list :param List[str] users: Optional limiting list of usernames; if empty or not provided, all users will be listed. Provide a function to execute over each user and its quota. Use this to directly wire the database-loading logic to the Redis-population logic. """ users = users or [] if not callable(func): raise ValueError( "The first non-self argument must be a callable which accepts the user and quota as arguments, in that order." ) rows = self._quota_search(users) res = [] for row in rows: res.append(func(row[0], row[1])) return res
[docs]class MariaDBSenderDomainAuthAdapter(PolicyConfigAdapter): """An adapter to obtain sender domain authorization data from MariaDB .. admonition:: SQL constants are deprecated. All of the SQL statement constant strings defined in this class are deprecated. In a future version, all of this logic will be accomplished using SQLAlchemy. """ domain_table = ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS domains (" # pragma: no cover "id BIGINT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY," "name VARCHAR(63) UNIQUE NOT NULL," "greylist TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0," "check_spf TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0" ")" ) domain_join_table = ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS domain_user (" # pragma: no cover "domain_id BIGINT NOT NULL," "user_id BIGINT NOT NULL," "PRIMARY KEY (domain_id, user_id)," # comp. primary key allows more than one user per domain "CONSTRAINT fk_user_domain" " FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users (id)" " ON DELETE CASCADE" " ON UPDATE RESTRICT," "CONSTRAINT fk_domain" " FOREIGN KEY (domain_id) REFERENCES domains (id)" " ON DELETE CASCADE" " ON UPDATE CASCADE" # allow replacement of domain defs ")" ) email_table = ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS emails (" "id BIGINT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY," "name VARCHAR(127) UNIQUE NOT NULL" ")" ) email_join_table = ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS email_user (" "email_id BIGINT NOT NULL," "user_id BIGINT NOT NULL," "PRIMARY KEY (email_id, user_id)," "CONSTRAINT fk_user_email" " FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users (id)" " ON DELETE CASCADE" " ON UPDATE RESTRICT," "CONSTRAINT fk_email" " FOREIGN KEY (email_id) REFERENCES emails (id)" " ON DELETE CASCADE" " ON UPDATE CASCADE" ")" ) domain_query = ( "SELECT FROM domains AS d" # pragma: no cover " WHERE id = (" "SELECT domain_id FROM domain_user AS j" " LEFT JOIN users AS u ON j.user_id =" " WHERE = %(user)s" ")" ) domain_map_query = ( "SELECT AS user, AS domain FROM domains AS d" # pragma: no cover " LEFT JOIN domain_user AS j ON = j.domain_id" " LEFT JOIN users AS u ON j.user_id =" ) domain_map_where = "WHERE user IN ({srch})" # pragma: no cover check_domain_query = ( "SELECT COUNT( FROM domains AS d" " LEFT JOIN domain_user AS j ON = j.domain_id" " LEFT JOIN users AS u ON = j.user_id" " WHERE = '{domain}' AND = '{user}'" ) check_email_query = ( "SELECT COUNT( FROM emails AS e" " LEFT JOIN email_user AS j on = j.email_id" " LEFT JOIN users AS u ON = j.user_id" " WHERE = '{email}' AND = '{user}'" ) def _initialize_tables(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize tables required for this adapter/policy :param List args: catch all positional arguments :param Dict kwargs: catch all keyword arguments Sender domain authorization also checks whole-email matches as a fallback, and so the policy requires storage for domain objects and also email objects. Does not currently make use of any arguments. """ super()._initialize_tables() cur = self.conn.cursor() cur.execute(self.domain_table) cur.execute(self.email_table) cur.execute(self.domain_join_table) cur.execute(self.email_join_table) cur.close()
[docs] def check_domain_for_user(self, user: str, domain: str) -> bool: """Returns True if the user is authorized to send for this domain :param str user: name of user :param str domain: name of domain """ cur = self.conn.cursor() cur.execute(self.check_domain_query.format(user=user, domain=domain)) result = cur.fetchone()[0] ### returns 1 if a domain matched, 0 if not cur.close() return result
[docs] def check_email_for_user(self, user: str, email: str) -> bool: """Returns True if the user is authorized to send as this email :param str user: name of user :param str email: email address """ cur = self.conn.cursor() cur.execute(self.check_email_query.format(user=user, email=email)) result = cur.fetchone()[0] cur.close() return result
[docs]class MariaDBInboundFlagsAdapter(PolicyConfigAdapter): """Adapter class for handling option flags for inbound mail Generally these flags are set on a per-domain basis. """ greylist_on_domain_query = ( "SELECT greylist FROM domains WHERE name = '{domain}' LIMIT 1" ) check_spf_on_domain_query = ( "SELECT check_spf FROM domains WHERE name = '{domain}' LIMIT 1" )
[docs] def do_greylisting_on(self, domain: str) -> bool: cur = self.conn.cursor() cur.execute(self.greylist_on_domain_query.format(domain=domain)) try: result = cur.fetchone()[0] except TypeError: result = 0 finally: cur.close() return result == 1
[docs] def check_spf_on(self, domain: str) -> bool: cur = self.conn.cursor() cur.execute(self.check_spf_on_domain_query.format(domain=domain)) try: result = cur.fetchone()[0] except TypeError: result = 0 finally: cur.close() return result == 1